The Sanctuary Network

Miss Kennair is a human who was part of the Project Montana research project.


Episode 2x01 - "End of Nights, Part I"
The results of these experiments turned her DNA into what is essentially a "blank slate." The Cabal planned to use this to make copies of the super abnormal Ashley Magnus. Fortunately for Kennair, the Sanctuary Network discovered her before the Cabal and were able to rescue her from her home in Essex, England.


  • Trivia: Ms. Kennair was featured in the interactive companion of the show's official website which chronologically took place behind-the-scenes during Episode 2x01 - "End of Nights, Part I". As the user was being onboarded as a new Sanctuary team member, Ms. Kennair was located in one of the lower level rooms (potentially the infirmary) and was overheard being interviewed and consoled through an open door. The user was then ushered forward and no longer privy to the conversation as the door was then shut.