The Sanctuary Network

Lawrence Birch was a police officer in the Old City Police Department.


Episode 0x01 - "Webisode 1"
Lawrence Birch was the third victim killed by Alexei's symbiotic appendage, following after Albert Russo and Jagna Lutrova's father. His body was sent to the hospital morgue where Helen Magnus performed his autopsy; collecting a tissue sample from his frontal lobes.
Episode 0x02 - "Webisode 2"
to be added
Episode 1x01 - "Sanctuary for All, Part I"
to be added
Episode 1x02 - "Sanctuary for All, Part II"
The computer analysis of the strange irradiated fluid (secretions from Alexei's abnormal appendage) found on his brain matter contained pure low-grade plutonium radiation traces that linked back to Chernobyl.