The Sanctuary Network

Clara Griffin was the granddaughter of Nigel Griffin, the Invisible Man.


Clara Griffin was an abnormal human with the power of invisibility, having inherited it from her grandfather who had activated the trait from an injection of source blood. Like Nigel, Clara's molecules have photosensitive properties that enable them to affect light in such a way that they render the entirety of Clara's body imperceptible to the naked eye. Unfortunately, the concealment does not extend to any item or clothing that she has on her person; resulting in her stripping naked in order to become completely unseen. For this reason, Clara typically wore clothes that were easy to remove. Also like her grandfather, she used her powers for theft in order to thrive.

Clara initially had limited control over her power, as she had difficulty turning invisible while being watched (performance anxiety). She used to cope with this by visualizing the other people around her were naked as well; a mental tactic to gain confidence and the necessary focus needed to activate the ability. After her time with the London Branch, Clara's control progressed to the point where she was able to freely 'toggle' in and out of her invisibility at will.

As the last surviving descendant of Nigel Griffin, Clara inherited his place as a member of the Five after he and his daughter, her mother, passed away. The team recruited her when The Five had to reunite in order to acquire the source blood to stop the Cabal's Lazarus virus. She was reluctant to join, but agreed to help after Will Zimmerman told her millions would die if the Cabal were allowed to succeed.[4] She was killed off-screen by one of the Cabal's super abnormals in her last episode.

Season 1[]

Episode 1x12 - "Revelations, Part I": Clara had lived much of her life believing that she and her family were one-offs or freaks and was unaware of the Sanctuary or the abnormal world at large. As a result, she was surprised and amazed by the abnormal world she discovered, and was convinced by Will Zimmerman to stay with the Sanctuary Network where she could better learn about her powers and be in a place where people accepted her. Prior to the Network finding her, Clara apparently exploited her powers of concealment for petty theft.

John Druitt and Will first encountered Clara at the Garden District of Baton Rouge in Louisiana, emerging from her dilapidated dwelling in a dreary alley when she spots the two visitors and calls out to them, asking as to why they were there and if she could help them. The two men replied they were seeking Clara's mother, Anna Thayer Griffin. Clara crassly informs them that Anna died three years ago, and was present at the latter's funeral, before directing them to where Anna was buried. She then left the strangers to their business; but feeling suspicious about them, Clara secretly followed them to the Whispering Pines graveyard. And wanting to spy on them from up-close, she took off her clothes, turned invisible and went near them as they study her mother's grave where they found flowers left there by Clara herself.

Druitt muses that even though Anna died, her source blood given power may have been inherited by Anna's offspring. This startles Clara, who was standing by unseen, causing her to disturb the leaves of a nearby branch, giving away her presence. She tries to get away, but Will uses the graveyard's sprinklers to reveal the watery outline her bare body. Clara continues to run, losing her concentration and thus returning to visibility but Druitt intercepts her by teleporting into her path, catching the shivering girl.

The rest of the Five had mixed reactions to Clara when first meeting her: John Druitt was disgusted when they learned she had been using her powers for theft, while Helen Magnus was unsure at first if Clara was up to the task they where about to undertake. James Watson was guarded around her but felt she could live up to her grandfather's name.
Episode 1x13 - "Revelations, Part II": Nikola Tesla liked her instantly because of her attitude.
Clara Griffin nearly failed to retrieve the key she was responsible for that was needed to retrieve the source blood due to her inefficiency controlling her power. She barely managed to complete the objective with Will Zimmerman's encouragement, nearly dying in the process.

Season 2[]

Episode 2x01 - "End of Nights, Part I": After Ashley Magnus was taken over by the Cabal, Clara Griffin was transferred to the London branch of the Sanctuary Network. This put a strain on her evolving romantic relationship with Will Zimmerman.
Episode 2x02 - "End of Nights, Part II": During her time in London, Clara Griffin learned to control her invisibility which she attempted to use in the defense of the UK Sanctuary from the Cabal invasion, but not before showing it off to Will. Unfortunately the invaders had a way of detecting invisible beings, resulting in her detection and subsequent off-screen death. Her lifeless body was last seen lying on the floor, buck-naked and had to be covered with a sheet.
Episode 2x03 - "Eulogy": to be added

Season 3[]

Episode 3x15 - "Wingman": to be added


  • Trivia: Clara Griffin was a very weak fighter as a result of her relying too heavily on her ability. This is compounded by her poor judgement (if not stupidity) in deciding when she should move or stay still to avoid detection. Even though she had an advantage of being invisible against John Druitt and Will Zimmerman, instead of staying still, she decided to barely disable them and flee which lead to her being ultimately caught as they were able to follow her.
    • It is unknown if this behavior aided in her death by a super abnormal after he detected her presence. Still, she was overconfident that her invisibility would grant her an edge - so there's that.
  • Continuity Error:
    Oddly, despite her power of voluntary invisibility only affecting her person, Clara Griffin's eye shadow seems to disappear with her whenever she turns invisible.



  1. From her grandfather Nigel Griffin and her mother Anna Griffin.
  2. Potentially from Jeanette Anaïse.
  3. Based on her living in Baton Rouge. Her father's side of the family is unknown.
  4. Episode 1x12 - "Revelations, Part I"